Though I collaborate with many scientists throughout the United States, the focus of my research is on dendrochronology: the study of tree rings through time. Among other uses, I primarily study trees in floodplain forests to provide an analog for past hydrologic systems. Specifically, my research broadens our understanding of hurricane storm surge frequency and intensity, forest response to riverine flooding, and changes in streamflow variability for the past millennium.
I continue this work at the University of Southern Mississippi with new funding opportunities from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. These current projects assess the effects of streamflow on tree rings and stand dynamics of flooded wetland forests.

Progress in Physical Geography, 2023
Longleaf pine dednrochronology review
National Science Foundation (in review)
Understanding Tree Response to Hydrologic Change in Various Topographic Settings
Geophysical Research Letters, 2022
1,100-year tree-ring reconstruction of streamflow
Environmental Research Letters, 2022
Using false rings to explore extreme weather
National Endowment for the Humanities (in prep)
Using firearm wood to provenance use of walnut in North America
Understanding large-scale river flow effects on trees
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2021
Review of coastal dendrochronology
Using false rings to explore streamflow variability
Exploring Multi-Proxy Approaches to Hurricane Reconstruction
Environmental Protection Agency
Assessing Streamflow Variability with Tree Rings
Dendroarchaeology of former New Orleans Plantation
Assessing Streamflow Variability with Tree Rings
Climatological analysis of hurricane rainfall
Independent Research
Finding New Areas for Research in Dendrotempestology
Assessing the life of a tree using growth rings.
2016 - 2020
Louisiana State University
Ph.D., Geography
Minor in Coastal Ecology and Restoration
Coastal Geography.
How it affects humans, and how humans change it.
Extreme Climatology.
Extreme weather occurrences through time.
The Gulf Coastal Plain.
Where I'm from, and what I know best!
2013 - 2015
Louisiana State University
M.S., Geography
2009 - 2013
Louisiana State University
B.S., Geography
2020 - 2022
University of Alabama
Postdoctoral Researcher, Geography